“In order to obtain Ater Tumti (bringing Heaven to Earth) we have to recognize ourselves as the universes potential”

Matias DeStefano

« About Katina Inger »

I create art to emit and evoke a frequency. We are all sentient beings able to change frequencies as we perceive or feel certain things. We do this through nature, art, music, food, people, etc. It is my hope that my work will elevate the frequency of your being, and your environment - resulting in a co-creation of frequencies, a dance. My work would have little impact without, you, the viewer.

Which frequency are you currently vibrating? Would you like to up your vibe?

Change in our environments, in our work, and in ourselves happen when frequencies unite in consciousness and community. Union fights the division we face daily in our lives. I aim to call together communities through my work. Together we emit the frequency of healing power, unity, and love.

About Ater Tumti


“In its original language “Ater Tumti” means “Heaven on Earth”. This Plan was born during the era of Atlantis,  over 13 000 years ago and was carried out until 5 000 BC, changing its name and language several times. Its goal was to bring Heaven to Earth by using consciousness and human social development, to channel the light from the universe as plants do through photosynthesis, and to use the light to lift the matter, the world to divine level, by taking advantage of inner and outer technologies, within and through ourselves which resulted in coherent evolution of All-That-Is .”
”Anchoring and transmuting the light into the matter implies for humans the task of conscious transformation of the social systems in accordance with the natural evolution of the Cosmos. That is the reason why one of the Movement’s objectives is to continue with the Plan that had been started by our ancestors thousands of years ago.It is our responsibility to keep it alive and carry it out for the smooth development of the future generations.”


“The Ater Tumti Plan was used in ancient technologies – Architecture and  Music. Both tools assisted in generating a balanced social space by attracting the light frequencies in the environment and applying them in agriculture, education and medicine, by building obelisks, temples and pyramids.They  functioned  in the same way trees perform the photosynthesis and instead using chlorophyll, they used  silicone-based and other minerals, managed by sound.”
”Tales, poetry, stories and songs were base of education, philosophy and politics, that transmitted consciousness and allowed its transformation with the passage of time.”
”In order to be able to build, what we could denominate as Civic Forests, the ancient civilizations were based  on all the Light-generating sources in the Universe.They attracted the light from the Sun, the Moon, the planets and all visible stars and because of that bringing Heaven to Earth also implied following the alignment of the constellations, and the ways in which their Light, applied to consciousness, was able to modify our realities.”

